take-e-way advises all customers and prospective customers extensively to the German Batteries Act (BattG). Answering questions on registration at the Stiftung Elektro-Altgeräte Register (ear), for identification or for the collection of batteries, is an integral part of the consultation. On that basis, as part of Batteries Act Full Service, take-e-way offers full registration for enterprises liable under the Batteries Act. The obligation to take back and recycle batteries and accumulators is fulfilled by the producers’ own take-back systems operating on the market pursuant to Section 7 BattG.
Customers just register their sales volume at "Quantity Report Online." Many customers know this platform because they use it for the monthly report of sold electrical equipment. It is easily accessible on www.take-e-way.de. This is just one of the advantages of the Full Services of take-e-way: If take-e-way already handles the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) for you, handling would be easy because basic duties are the same. The duties of the Electronic Equipment Act, the Batteries Act and the Packaging Act can be handled with a single contact for the consultant team of take-e-way.
The Full Service to the Batteries Act is developed with the same objective as the Electronic Equipment Act Full Service – the relief on small and medium-sized companies by assumption of all requirements and obligations arising from the Batteries Act. take-e-way offers another significant advantage compared to competitors: consulting service, registration and volume reports for all new and regular customers are offered free of charge whether you submit a German account. If you can’t exhibit an account, take-e-way provides it to you.
The Batteries Act Full Service by take-e-way includes
- Implementation of the registration
- Legal certainty by completion of all requirements and responsibilities of the Batteries Act
- Abandonment of the batteries is guaranteed by various certified batteries take-back systems
- Monthly reporting of sales volume is just on the internet platform "Mengenmeldung Online"

take-e-way GmbH
Schlossstr. 8 d-e
22041 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 750687 - 0
E-Mail: beratung@take-e-way.de