Dear VERE members and take-e-way customers,
The regulation described below would most likely seem to be incomprehensible to you. However, it provides great advantages for you being the concerned company:
Producers, who have already registered LEDs in the type of equipment 5b (lighting equipment, collection group 5) according to the obsolete Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG), should indicate change requests to be registered in the type of equipment 5.1 (lamps that can be used in private households, collection group 4) within the first three months after the coming into force of the new Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) (presumably on September 1st or October 1st) with the foundation EAR. Due to this indication you will then obtain a transitional period of 2 years until you actually need to register in the type of equipment 5.1. You will only have this option since you are an already registered producer of the type of equipment 5b.
Because the LEDs are currently still recycled together with small household appliances of the group 5, considerably less costs would arise since it would be necessary to recycle them together with the gas discharge lamps of the group 4 as hazardous waste, as it is planned according to the new Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG). This is also reflected in the considerably less guarantee amount.
For being an already registered producer, this would result in considerable savings compared with the obligation to immediately having to register in the type of equipment 5.1, as all still unregistered producers have to do as soon as the new Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) is coming into force.
The VERE Association has substantially refused to accept the merging of the LEDs and the gas discharge lamps, since, from our point of view, this regulation would only support the take-back system of the important companies in the lamp industry. We will benefit from the transitional period in order to counteract this pointless regulation for our members and customers.
Our Mrs. Elisabeth Westermann will be glad to help you with any further questions about how to benefit from this complicated regulation. Please use this opportunity and call +49/40/750687-111 or send us an email: service(at)
With kind regards,
Your team of take-e-way and the VERE Association
WEEE Germany: Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) – Important changes for lamps
This information is important for all members and customers who have already registered LEDs and want to continue selling them.

Christoph Brellinger
Head of Marketing & Public Relations
Phone: +49 40 750687-0