You may be affected, because every party selling e. g. packed B2C devices also puts packaging material into circulation and therefore counts as “producer” of packaging. Every producer in terms of the new law will need a packaging license on 1st of January 2019.
Every party obligated to license will in the future be able to check if their competitor also pays the relevant licensing fee via an official register. It will therefore be possible for competitors to monitor each other. This mechanism imitates the checking possibilities resulting from the ElektroG. Freeriders will face administrative fines up to €200,000 by the authorities. The VerpackG will be administered by the “Stiftung Verpackungsregister”, which is a sort of a “Stiftung EAR for packaging”. These requirements are not entirely new, because the Packaging Ordinance is already in place today. The innovation lies mainly in the monitoring possibilities through competitors.
take-e-way will provide free of charge counselling regarding the Packaging Act and will offer you a comprehensive solution. This solution will enable you to easily report your quantities via our online portal like you do for your electronic devices. As our customer, you also benefit from our customer base of over 4,500 companies, because our purchasing power enables us to achieve the best possible prices in our negotiations with the relevant dual systems.
Next steps: Simply request your qualified offer online (click here) or refer to your take-e-way consultant for further information via or +49/40/750687-111.
Online Portal für die Meldung Ihrer Verpackungsmengen, Geräte und Batterien