The use of perfluorinated and polyfluorinated alkyl compounds (PFASs) processed in numerous products such as paper, textiles, ski wax, electronic products, wall paints, cleaning agents, pans or cosmetics because of their water, grease and dirt-repellent properties, is to be restricted. They are difficult to degrade in the environment and also accumulate in humans. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung – BfR) is calling for companies affected to take part in a survey on this subject. This survey is intended to provide information on the use of PFASs and should be incorporated into a restriction proposal by 15 July 2022. In particular, rules relating to exemptions may also be included.
If you are affected by this, you should follow the legal regulations on chemicals in products closely and act without delay. The above-mentioned survey will give you the opportunity to exert an influence the upcoming regulation relating to PFASs.
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