On 4 May 2021, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) published information on how to proceed in the event of necessary changes to product entries in the SCIP database.
The SCIP database for registration of products containing SVHC has been in use since the end of 2020. The volume of data has increased exponentially ever since. SVHCs stands for “Substances of Very High Concern”.
In order to reduce the volume of updates in the SCIP database, ECHA recently issued an information sheet stating that unnecessary updates, such as uploading irrelevant information or information with the same content should be avoided as far as possible. ECHA also points out that the quality of the SCIP data is the sole responsibility of the data submitter.
trade-e-bility supports companies planning to market products containing SVHC in registering their products and entering the necessary data into the SCIP database.
The trade-e-bility consultants will be pleased to assist you. Please call +49/40/75068730-0 or send an e-mail message to sales@trade-e-bility.de.