Collection of used mobile phones in Bavaria in cooperation with the StMUG and Eficom
The VERE Association and the company take-e-way GmbH support the collection of mobile phones "Disposing of mobile phones in a clever way" which is performed under the auspices of the Bavarian States Ministery for Environment and Health (StMUG) together with the project association Eficom with about 7’000 collection points in government agencies, schools, district offices, municipalities, associations, churches and companies of the republic of Bavaria.
The collection is starting after today's press conference of the STMUG at the grammer school Oskar-von-Miller in Munich Schwabing; at the occasion of this press conference the State Minister Dr. Marcel Huber presents the overall concept of the collection of used mobile phones.
The collection "Disposing of mobile phones in a clever way" is supposed to be the largest collection of mobile phones in Germany.
Urban-Mining: What is feasible, what will be reasonably feasible and what are illusions?
This is the central question for Jochen Stepp, manager of the VERE Association who supports the collection together with the take-back system "take-e-way" which was conceived for small and medium-sized companies: "The initiative of the Bavarian government is very important for us, since only this way it is possible to collect reliable data about the gathering and evaluation potential as well as about the accruing cost of such a collection activity. In order to implement the idea that a used mobile phone may deliver a part of the raw material for a new device, mainly the collected findings in practice are important. "Therefore, VERE and take-e-way encourage the collection without any commercial interests", says Jochen Stepp today in Munich.
It is necessary to avoid misuse of the data saved on the mobile phones
For Oliver Friedrichs, manager of the take-e-way GmbH, it is particularly important to reassure the owners of used mobile phones that the information saved on the mobile phones won't be misused.
"This is the real reason why owners of mobile phones do not want to give away their used devices. We would like to reassure the citizens by a guaranteed data destruction." says Oliver Friedrichs.
Two important collection actions of electrical devices undertaken by VERE and take-e-way
The collection of used mobile phones "Disposing of mobile phones in a clever way" in Bavaria is the second comprehensive collection activity for the VERE Association and take-e-way after implementing the voluntary take-back system for small electrical applicances in Hamburg, the European green capital in 2011.
With the mutual commitment VERE and take-e-way would like to make the citizens aware of the dealing with used devices; otherwise the valuable components would get forever lost by disposing them with the residual waste.
VERE and take-e-way will be glad to support further projects of this kind all over Germany.
About the VERE Association
- Founded in 2003 in Hamburg
- Currently 2’400 members
- Board: Jochen Stepp, Oliver Friedrichs
The VERE Association for the take-back and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment (VERE e.V. registered association) represents the interests of more than 2’400 small and medium-sized companies even at political level, being the organization of suppliers, manufacturers, trade associations and individual persons for implementation of the ElektroG in Germany having a largest number of members.
Business Fields: By “take-e-way” the VERE Association assumes the implementation of requirements and obligations in conformity with the law according to the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG/WEEE), Battery Act (BattG) and Packaging Ordinance (VerpackV) for medium-sized companies in Germany and abroad.
Press Contact
take-e-way GmbH
Christoph Brellinger
Corporate Communications
Schlossstr. 8 d-e
22041 Hamburg
Phone: +49 (0)40/750687-111
Fax: +49 (0)40/750687-101