The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) indicated that the Committee for Socio-economic Analysis (SEAC) supports the proposal by France and Sweden to restrict the use of skin-sensitising substances in textiles, leather and fur articles placed on the market for the first time. The proposed restriction refers to substances harmonised as skin sensitisers under the Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation (CLP Regulation).
These include chromium VI, nickel and cobalt compounds. Moreover, it has been proposed to restrict some dyes that are considered to be skin-sensitising but do not have a harmonised classification. This proposal introduces a link with the CLP Regulation, meaning that any substance classified as a skin sensitiser under CLP in the future would automatically fall under the restriction. Where substances are automatically added to the restriction, the SEAC recommends a transitional period of three years between the classification and the entry into force of the restriction to allow manufacturers to adapt accordingly.
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