We are pleased to inform you that take-e-way now also registers producers of one additional waste stream in the Netherlands. If you are a producer of textiles and sell to the Netherlands, this article might be of particular interest to you.
Among other waste streams, the Dutch legislation also holds producers of textiles responsible for the collection, treatment and recycling of their waste products.
Do I have to register?
According to Besluit uitgebreide producentenverantwoordelijkheid textiel, there is a general obligation to register if you place textiles on the Dutch market. This obligation also applies to non-Dutch producers when selling directly to end users.
What types of textiles are affected?
The scope of application includes clothing and household textiles. Both consumer use and professional use are in scope. Not in scope are second-hand products, as well as shoes, bags, belts, headwear, curtains and blankets.
How can I register?
In order to sell in compliance with the Dutch law, producers of textiles must fulfil their legal obligations. These include, among other things, registration with and quantity reporting to the competent authorities as well as joining a take-back scheme.
take-e-way will be glad to support you. Simply contact our consulting team via beratung@take-e-way.de or via +49/40/750687-0.