Do you sell packaged products or packaging to Sweden? If so, we would like to inform you that the Swedish government passed new producer responsibility regulations in the summer of 2018, which came into force at the turn of the year. As of 1 January 2021, producers are required to register with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, join a take-back scheme for packaging and regularly report the quantities placed on the market. On the way to a successful registration we are of course happy to assist you.
Further information and contact persons
A new packaging producer definition came into force in Sweden on 1 January 2019:
A ‘producer’ is anyone who brings in packaged items or packaging to the Swedish market, manufactures packaging in Sweden, places a packaged item on the Swedish market or fills or otherwise uses a package that is not a service package for the purpose of protecting, presenting or facilitating the handling of an item.
Based on this the following changes came into force on 1 January 2021.
All packaging producers that fall under the above definition are obliged to register with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), join a packaging take-back scheme and pay an annual inspection fee of 500 Swedish kronor (around €50) to the EPA. Packaging placed on the market in Sweden has also to be reported annually to the EPA. The first report has to be submitted by March 2022 for the 2021 reporting period.
From 2023, foreign producers will also be required to appoint an authorised representative to take care of registration and reporting to the EPA. To ensure that foreign producers can already fully comply with the new obligations, our Swedish partner offers to take over the registration and reporting for you as part of the affiliation to the take-back scheme.
Do you sell packaged products or packaging to Sweden and are not yet affiliated with a take-back scheme? Are you unsure whether the new changes will affect your company? Please feel free to contact us. take-e-way supports you in complying with the local regulations concerning your waste management obligations. In addition, we can register your company with a Swedish packaging take-back scheme in the shortest possible time.
Should you have any queries related, please do not hesitate to approach us at any time. Call +49/40/750687-0 or send an e-mail to