The European Chemicals Agency ECHA has extended the list of SVHCs by 9 more chemical substances to a total of 233 as of 17 January 2023. The list of SVHCs stands for the candidate list of substances of very high concern that are suspected of being harmful to health or the environment. Among the new candidates are flame retardants (CAS No. 79-94-7) used e.g. in printed circuit boards, or melamine (CAS No. 108-78-1) used in Formica products and insulation boards.
The new candidates can continue to be used, but a SCIP notification must be submitted to ECHA if the weight content exceeds 0.1% and the next recipient in the B2B chain must be informed of the use without being requested to do so.
trade-e-bility keeps you up to date on legislative changes to your products with the Legal Monitoring Service and releases you from dealing with irrelevant information. Of course, we also take care of the SCIP registration for your product, if required. We would be happy to train you in this area as an alternative. You can find out more about our SCIP service here.
For solutions on the subject of SCIP/REACh, trade-e-bility’s consulting team will be pleased to assist you via or +49/40/75068730-0.