On 1st March, we informed you that the new producers’ association Stichting OPEN does not allow for non-Dutch producers to take over the WEEE quantity reporting of their Dutch resellers. OPEN referred to Dutch law, according to which Dutch importers cannot be released from their reporting obligation and non-Dutch companies are only legally obliged to report sales to end users.
Many producers were unhappy with this situation. Over the last months, take-e-way has been in discussions with OPEN, expressing the concerns producers had. In comparison with other European countries, reporting sales to resellers is common practice. Since many different parties requested reconsideration, OPEN has now published a statement confirming the following:
- Non-Dutch producers may continue to report sales to Dutch resellers in 2021.
- Producers have to provide information about their resellers to avoid double-reporting.
- In order to adapt to European practice, OPEN is now in discussions with the Ministry to allow this reporting method beyond 2021.
OPEN informed us that it is not clear yet what kind of information about the resellers will be required. It is possible that not only the names and addresses of the resellers will be requested, but also the quantities sold to each reseller. We will inform you as soon as OPEN announces the requirements.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Alina Eggert via international@take-e-way.de or via +49/40/750687-166.
For more information on our international compliance services related to the placing on the market of electronic equipment, batteries/rechargeable batteries and packaged products or packaging, please click here: https://www.take-e-way.com/services/international-compliance/