As reported by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the substance N-(hydroxymethyl)acrylamide, CAS No. 924-42-5 was added as a further candidate to the REACh SVHC list on 10 June 2022. The new substance is found in paints and coatings. The list now contains a total of 224 entries. Affected economic operators such as manufacturers and importers must ascertain whether their product contains any of the 224 candidate substances at a concentration greater than 0.1% by weight. If the threshold is exceeded, ECHA must be informed via a corresponding entry in the SCIP database, as well as the next recipient of the product in the supply chain. In addition, there is a duty to provide information to the customer for B2C sales.
trade-e-bility informs its customers promptly about changing legislation and helps with the implementation of new, customer-relevant requirements, such as mandatory entries in the SCIP database. For solutions on the topics of SCIP and REACh, please contact us by phone on +49/40/75068730-0 or send an e-mail message to