On 15 June 2021, the take-e-way consulting department was informed by one of our foreign customers about a questionable e-mail cover letter with the subject “Electrical equipment registration”, which originated from a German company based in Neuss. On its website, the company describes itself as a “partner in sustainable environmental management within the scope of your producer responsibility”.
The letter is addressed “Attn.: Compliance / Procurement / Quality Management” and is worded as follows:
„Dear Sirs and Madames, I would like to point out to you again and for the last time that your products are not registered with the stiftung ear (authority entrusted by the Federal Environment Agency). You are violating German law. They face advertisements, sales bans and fines. We are happy to assist you with our many years of expertise. As a service provider, we relieve our customers of the registration and take care of all the marketing obligations for you in accordance with ElektroG. You can contact us at any time by phone or email. If you do not contact us in the next two weeks, we will unfortunately not be able to stop your competition from submitting a complaint to the Federal Environment Agency. One of your competitors is a customer of ours and drew our attention to you. This competitor has a competitive disadvantage due to your violation and may also sue for damages.“
It is often not clear to the recipients of such contact attempts whether there is actually a concrete legal reason to contact them.
If you are contacted regarding the registration of your products and are unsure of the current status, our advisors will be pleased to assist you. Please call +49/40/750687-0 or send an e-mail message to beratung@take-e-way.de.