On 3 March 2022, take-e-way reported about the obligation of distributors of industrial batteries to submit a performance review report to the Federal Environment Agency and offered all those concerned to prepare and submit such a performance review report to the Federal Environment Agency.
The Batteries Act (BattG) calls upon manufacturers and distributors of industrial batteries as well as their authorised representatives to publish“[…] the data on the recovery rates achieved in the previous year for […] waste industrial batteries annually on their websites by the end of 31 May […].” (cf. Section 15 (3) sentence 3 BattG) in this regard.
take-e-way submitted the performance review of our affiliated manufacturers and distributors to the Federal Environment Agency in due time and published the recycling rate achieved in 2021 of the industrial batteries reported to us on its website.
Please link your website to ours so that you can safely and reliably comply with all requirements under the Batteries Act.
Our tip: Meet your information and notification obligations under the Batteries Act just as securely as those applicable under the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act. If you do not have a “Disposal” menu item on your website, you should at least discharge your duty to provide disclosures in your publishing information, ideally below the indication of the WEEE number. In this connection, please observe any information and notification obligations of relevance to you under Section 18 Batteries Act and the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) – you will also find our always up-to-date news items on our website.
Should you provide printed information material about your products (e.g. advertising brochures or product catalogues), we recommend that you also provide the link reference in a prominent position in this regard.
For the calendar year 2022, we also offer to prepare your legally required performance review report and to submit it to the Federal Environment Agency on your behalf.
If you make use of our “Disposal of industrial batteries“ service for professional disposal and recycling of your waste batteries, we only need the feedback next spring that you have not taken back any industrial batteries of your own accord.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us by calling +49/40/750687-0 or sending an e-mail to industriebatterien@take-e-way.de.