As trade-e-bility already reported, our customers complain time and again about problems with the requirements of various EU member states for the labelling of packaging. Disposal labels, in particular, are considered to be “absolutely chaotic”.
In the free live webinar Packaging Requirements in Germany and Europe we will focus on the new packaging requirements applicable in Germany. The second part presents the registration obligations in other European countries (France, Austria, Spain). All participants will have the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the webinar.
In order to be able to present the topics to our domestic and international customers, the webinar will be held in English. Accordingly, please feel free to recommend it to your foreign partners as well. The webinar is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, 6 September 2022, starting at 11:00h (CET).
Further particulars and registration details are available here.
If you wish to register as a manufacturer of packaging, please contact our advisory service via or +49/40/750687-0.
For solutions on the topic of EU product or packaging labelling and especially disposal labelling, please contact us via or +49/40/75068730-0.
For further information on our international compliance services in connection with the placement of electronic equipment, batteries, rechargeable batteries and packaged products, or packaging on the market, please click here: