As Euwid reports, the business community has criticised the proposal by the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUV) to organise the administration of a fund to promote recyclable packaging on a semi-governmental basis through the ZSVR – Central Agency Packaging Register (take-e-way reported on the costs for recyclability of packaging). Business organisations fear that this could weaken the competition-based waste disposal system in Germany. Instead, they are proposing a private-sector fund administration into which companies with packaging that is difficult to recycle would pay.
The planned contribution level of €1,500 per tonne for packaging that is difficult to recycle is particularly controversial, as it is significantly higher than the recommendations of the Federal Environment Agency. The associations are calling for a limit of €300 and a gradual increase only once EU-wide harmonised recycling standards are in place. They are in favour of integrating the funds into the existing dual systems and are urging that legal issues be clarified quickly in order to avoid delays. take-e-way will keep you informed on this topic.
If you would like to register as a producer of WEEE, batteries or packaging in Germany or have any questions about extended producer responsibility (EPR), please contact our advisory service at or +49/40/750687-0.
For further information on the labelling requirements for products or packaging, please contact the trade-e-bility advisory team at or +49/40/750687-300.
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