As early as 15 May 2020, the EU Commission opted in Decision (EU) 2020/659 for an update of the EN 50581:2012 standard, which was still valid at the time. The new EN 63000:2018 standard will now finally supersede the current version effective as of 18 November 2021. Even if the content of the new standard hardly differs from its predecessor, formally affected declarations of conformity must be updated.
Business operators such as manufacturers and importers are advised always to keep up to date with the harmonised transposition standards. trade-e-bility informs its customers in a targeted manner about the relevant changes in standards and provides support in evaluating the documentation and labelling of products. In addition, trade-e-bility prepares EU conformity declarations and keeps these up-to-date for its customers.
The trade-e-bility consultants will be pleased to answer any questions you may have. Please call +49/40/75068730-0 or send an e-mail message to