More than 20 kilograms of electronic waste are produced annually per person in Germany alone, consisting of old mobile phones, PCs, refrigerators and a whole lot more. If you consider a population of 83 million, that is a huge pile of waste. The hoarding of old equipment constitutes a major problem. For instance, it is estimated that 200 million old mobile phones are stored in the cellars and drawers of the German population.
The new Plan E campaign of the Elektro-Altgeräte Register (EAR) foundation now aims to solve this problem. Using the motto: “Let it go – even if hurts. Dispose of your e-waste now”, Plan E is now telling people via various media channels about letting go and properly disposing of their beloved old electrical appliances.
The TV spots financed by fees of manufacturers registered under the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG), intensive outdoor advertising throughout Germany and, of course, the online presence including various social media activities on Instagram, Facebook as well as TikTok will draw significant attention to the topic.
Find out more about the campaign here:
You can fund the videos on the new Plan E campaign on YouTube:
Additional campaign material is available for download here:
If you have any questions about the take-e-way take-back systems for old electrical equipment, Wolfgang Obermeyer will be pleased to answer them; please phone +49/40/750687-146 or send him an e-mail at