Amendments to Legislative Decree No. 41 of 22 March 2021, the so-called "Decreto Sostegni", were approved during its conversion into law. These amendments include, inter alia, the suspension of the environmental labelling obligation for packaging, as well as the possibility of trading products already placed on the market without the new environmental labelling requirements, until stocks are exhausted.
In particular, the suspension of the labelling obligation for all packaging [1) The obligation to indicate the correct end-of-life management of packaging intended for the end consumer in accordance with UNI technical standards, and 2) The obligation to identify packaging materials according to Decision 97/129/EC], is extended until 31 December 2021. In addition, companies will be able to sell products lacking the environmental labelling requirements that are already placed on the market or already labelled before 1 January 2022, until stocks are exhausted.
It should be noted that previously only the first part of Art. 219(5) of Legislative Decree 152/2016 had been suspended, namely the obligation to label according to the applicable UNI technical standards (effective 1 January 2022), but not the second part, i.e. the indication of the nature of packaging materials on the basis of Decision 97/129/EC (effective 1 January 2021). The new amendment now suspends, until 31 December 2021, the entire Par. 5 of Art. 219 of Legislative Decree 152/2016, thus both obligations.
Should you wish to register in Italy as a producer of WEEE, batteries, packaging, textiles or furniture, please do not hesitate to contact our Consulting Department via or +49/40/750687-0.
For solutions on EU product or packaging labelling requirements and especially disposal labelling, please contact the trade-e-bility consulting team via or +49/40/75068730-0.
For more information on our international compliance services related to the placing on the market of electronic equipment, batteries/accumulators and packaged products or packaging, please click here: