The annual performance review report for manufacturers and/or distributors of industrial batteries is due soon. According to the requirements of Section 15 of the Batteries Act (BattG), manufacturers / distributors of industrial batteries are obliged to submit a so-called performance review report to the Federal Environment Agency annually no later than 30 April.
If you have commissioned take-e-way with this task, we will prepare the performance review report and forward it to the Federal Environment Agency on your behalf. take-e-way will then report the quantities of spent industrial batteries taken back by you as well as the recovery rates realised in the process to the Federal Environmental Agency.
Please let us have your feedback no later than 15 March 2022 to
Would you like to use our disposal service for industrial batteries in the future? You will find the relevant information here.
In addition to submitting the performance review report, manufacturers and distributors of industrial batteries are also required under Section 15 (3) BattG to publish annually on their website, by the close of 31 May, the recovery rates achieved for their spent batteries in the previous year.
If you have any questions, please contact Johannes Kern by e-mail at He will be pleased to assist you.