Official reports from WEEE-audits that proceeded in 2020 are gradually being released this year. It can be observed that the most common finding is the incomplete registration of companies due to the mis-identification and hence the non-reporting of devices that fall under the collection and treatment category gas discharge lamps.
Most of these devices were LED-Light bulbs or LED-Lamps. According to the Annex 3 of the Waste of Electrical Equipment Ordinance (EAG-VO) as well as the electrical equipment list from the Federal Ministry Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), LED-Light bulbs or LED-Lamps must be reported under the gas discharge lamps category.
We learned that such incomplete registration, if no amendments were made, could lead to administrative penalty proceedings. With the help of the Austrian authorised representative, the take-back scheme and the eager cooperation of the audited companies, actions were initiated to abate such outcomes.
We urge you to review your portfolio and take into account that LED-Light bulbs and LED-Lamps must be properly reported.
If you sell products to Austria or would like to know more about related audits, Peter Daniel Akut will be happy to assist you via or +49/40/750687-112.
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