Additional sorting information guidelines to be published soon
The sorting information guideline for packaging has been published recently. As mentioned in our news article of 17th September, producers will soon have to display as well the sorting information for other waste streams like electric and electronic products, batteries, textiles and furniture.
In order to raise the consumer’s awareness of the separate waste collection, the French government has issued the decree n° 2021-835 of 29th June 2021. The decree states that the take-back systems shall develop one sorting information guideline for each waste stream falling under Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). The government is currently validating the propositions of the related take-back systems.
- Approval and release of the sorting information guidelines expected in December.
- The sorting information is supposed to be displayed on the product’s packaging. The law indicates the same rules as for the packaging sorting information.
- In contrast to the packaging sorting information, the other waste streams’ sorting information will look simpler, only requiring minor modifications.
- Transition period of one year. If for example, the government approves the new guidelines in December, the obligation to display the sorting information starts in December 2022.
As soon as the guidelines are released, we will inform you.
Unique Identification Number (UIN)
In the beginning of 2022, the authorities will issue one UIN per waste stream to each registered producer in France. Please see our news article from 10th November, which contains important information regarding the UIN. The UIN has to be displayed on the producer’s website and in the general terms and conditions or, if the latter is not available, in any other contractual document.
New waste streams falling under EPR as per 2022
Please find below an overview of the waste streams that will become subject to EPR starting from 01st January 2022.
- Toys
- Oils
- Sports and leisure equipment
- Do-it-yourself and gardening equipment
- Construction material
Please note that so far, not every waste stream has been assigned to a take-back system. We will inform you as soon as the systems are implemented.
Amendments of the packaging legislation
Following packaging elements will be prohibited as per 2022 according to the Anti-waste Law (AGEC):
- Plastic packaging and stickers for fruits and vegetables
- Usage of mineral oils in packaging (Please note: If you cannot remove mineral oil from your packaging yet, it is possible to report mineral oil as part of your packaging. It will result in a malus contribution of 50 percent.)
The ban of the Green Dot
The Council of State has not yet made a decision regarding the ban of the Green Dot in France. The packaging take-back schemes recommend their members not to display the Green Dot. As soon as a decision is communicated, we will inform you.
Should you wish to register in France as a producer of WEEE, batteries, packaging, textiles or furniture, please do not hesitate to contact our Consulting Department via or +49/40/750687-0.
For solutions on EU product or packaging labelling requirements and especially disposal labelling, please contact the trade-e-bility consulting team via or +49/40/75068730-0.
For more information on our international compliance services related to the placing on the market of electronic equipment, batteries/accumulators and packaged products or packaging, please click here: