As reported by the Bundestag, the Committee on the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection has approved the bill submitted by the Federal Government to create a single-use plastic fund (20/5164).
Manufacturers of certain products made of disposable plastic will have to share the costs of waste disposal in parks and streets (take-e-way reported).
Companies that produce single-use plastic products such as to-go cups, lightweight carrier bags, wet wipes, balloons and also tobacco filters are now to pay an annual levy into a central single-use plastic fund managed by the Federal Environment Agency. For the first time in 2025, municipalities are to receive compensation from this fund for the previous year for the costs they incur for cleaning, disposal or raising public awareness of the issue.
Amendments to the legislative draft now provide, among other things, for the law to be evaluated as soon as possible at the request of the municipalities and, if necessary, extended to other products. In contrast to the original plan, manufacturers of plastic parts for fireworks will already be included.
A proposed amendment with which the Union (CDU/CSU) had criticised, among other things, the planned calculation of the levy amount also according to volume and number of pieces and had demanded equal representation of manufacturers in the single-use plastics commission did not find a majority.
The example shows that optimal legal monitoring is necessary as an existential risk precaution in order to protect you under product law.
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