The basis for this is provided by Section 4 (4) of the new Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act version 3 (ElektroG3) scheduled to take effect on 1 January 2022. By that date, you must already be prepared accordingly if you or your devices are affected.
A template for information under Section 4 (4) ElektroG is available here.
Feel free to use and complete the free template to meet your obligation to provide information. If you are uncertain and would prefer to be supported in this regard, our complete artwork check will assist you. In return for 350 euros, we will perform a non-recurring check of your product labelling, manual and packaging in the context of legal, technical, statutory and standard-specific information.
The trade-e-bility consultants will be pleased to answer any questions you may have. Please call +49/40/750687397 or send an e-mail message to