Vaping cannot said to be harmless. Only at the beginning of the year did the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment point out once again that, in particular, it is the long-term effects of inhaled liquids that are largely unknown. In legal terms, this is hardly being considered at present. For instance, liquids containing nicotine are subject to tobacco law, whereas nicotine-free liquids are only subject to chemicals law or the German Product Safety Act.
Distributors of e-cigarettes must always ensure that all ingredients they contain are known and declared. Germany’s state investigation offices carry out random checks in this regard.
Parties concerned: Manufacturers and importers of e-cigarettes and liquids.
Requirements: Liquids containing nicotine are subject to tobacco law, whereas nicotine-free liquids are only subject to chemicals law or the German Product Safety Act.
Recommendation: Not only does e-cigarette hardware need to be marketed in full legal compliance; special attention must also be paid to the liquids used.
Further information on e-cigarettes, questions and answers on the subject from the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment can be found at
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