The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has been operating the SCIP database since last year. Since 5 January 2021, each supplier in the EU market is obliged to submit information about an article containing a substance of very high concern (SVHC) to the ECHA. This is planned to be done by entering the relevant data in the SCIP database. However, the type of data transmission is not yet specified by the German implementation of the EU Waste Framework Directive, the Chemicals Act.
Now, the FDP parliamentary group has submitted a so-called minor enquiry in the German Bundestag (19/31860) as to whether the transmission of information via the SCIP database does not actually go beyond what is required by law. An answer is still outstanding.
If you place articles containing SVHCs on the EU market, you should keep track of this development. The SCIP database has been used millions of times since January and has established itself as an information channel to ECHA; trade-e-bility will keep you up to date in this regard.
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