New registration obligation for packaging in Spain

The Spanish packaging law obliges producers to register their packaging. Distributors from abroad must also register through an authorised representative if they sell packaged products in Spain.

Document titled GPSR with a magnifying glass placed over a warning sign
General Product Safety Regulation (EU) 2023/988 obliges
GPSR Risk Analysis Required

Mandatory for almost every product: According to the GPSR, producers must draw up technical documentation for the products they place on the market. The technical documentation must be based on an internal risk analysis.

Icon of a document being signed
General Product Safety Regulation requires Responsible Person
EU Responsible Person Service for the GPSR and more

Since 16 July 2021, it is against the law to sell products with CE marking without a Responsible Person in the EU. In addition, a Responsible Person must also be specified in accordance with the General Product Safety Regulation (EU) 2023/988.


Compliance early warning system: Replacement of light sources as a practical example

trade-e-bility can help you identify compliance vulnerabilities using our early warning system service “Legal Monitoring” by notifying you in good time of any statutory amendments. This puts you in a convenient position to make design adjustments to your product or switch suppliers before problems happen to arise.

Constantly changing legislation is increasingly challenging importers to bring products to market that meet the relevant statutory requirements. What happens quite often is it only becomes evident that a CE mark is missing on the packaging or that requirements concerning the product have not been met once the goods undergo customs clearance or are placed on the market.

A practical example: An importer wants to place lamps on the market and discovers shortly before market release that the luminaire is firmly bonded and cannot be easily removed by the end user in a non-destructive manner, according to the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/2020.

Such problems can usually only be solved by reworking the product, for which there is frequently no time or budget available.

It becomes particularly difficult if the design deficiency is only discovered after shipment. In this case, reworking is generally only possible with a great deal of effort, or possibly not at all, and may result in the disposal of the product, for instance.

trade-e-bility can help you identify such compliance vulnerabilities using our early warning system “Legal Monitoring” by notifying you in good time of any legislative amendments. This puts you in a convenient position to make design adjustments to your product or switch suppliers before problems happen to arise.

If you happen to have any questions in this regard, our team of consultants will be glad to assist you. Please call +49/40/75068730-0.

Sebastian Siebert

Sebastian Siebert
Head of Advisory services

Phone: +49 40 750687-0

Christoph Brellinger

Christoph Brellinger
Head of Marketing & Public Relations

Phone: +49 40 750687-0

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