As part of the Green Deal, the EU introduced a CO2 border adjustment system called CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) on 1 October 2023. The aim is to price emission-intensive products manufactured outside the EU with a CO2 levy in the same way as products manufactured in the EU. This is intended to prevent competitive disadvantages for EU companies. Further information and who is affected can be found in our article CBAM for a CO2 border adjustment system.
The European Commission has developed a CBAM self-assessment tool for importers into the EU. The tool offers importers to the EU the opportunity to get a quick overview of whether the imported goods are subject to CBAM during the transition period, which CBAM reporting obligations exist for the respective type of goods and where they can find further information.
The European Commission maintains the tool to facilitate the implementation of the CBAM during the transition period until 31 December 2025. The aim is to keep the tool up to date and accurate. However, the Commission accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information provided by this tool. It cannot guarantee that the tool accurately reflects the officially adopted legislation. Only the Official Journal of the European Union (the printed edition or, since 1 July 2013, the electronic edition on the EUR-Lex website) is binding and has legal effect.
If you fall under this regulation, please contact trade-e-bility. We provide support and advice in the supply chain on the correct way to deal with suppliers: Phone +49/40/750687-300 or
Attention: As a take-e-way/trade-e-bility customer or VERE e.V. member, you can attend the 8th VERE panel event free of charge on 19 November 2024 at the East Hotel in Hamburg and discuss the topic "Safe, sustainable and recyclable into the future" with representatives from the Federal Ministry of Economics, EAR Foundation, Packaging Register, Consumer Protection Authority, Otto, Osapiens, Hagebau, Berlin Brands Group and many others and make valuable contacts for your business. All presentations will be simultaneously translated into English. The topic of CBAM will also be discussed in detail:
- CSDDD, EUDR, CBAM – Challenges in supplier and data management (Alberto Zamora Pueyo, Osapiens)
- LkSG, CSDDD, CSRD, EUDR, EU Batteries Regulation, CBAM, etc. – An overview of existing and upcoming sustainability and due diligence obligations – is the SME sector out? (Dipl.-Ing. Jens Haasler, M.Sc. Christopher Blauth, trade-e-bility)