On 31 January 2020, the British left the European Union. During the transitional phase, the United Kingdom will continue to be part of the European single market until 31 December 2020. It is still unclear whether future relations between the EU and the United Kingdom can be settled permanently by the end of the transition period.
The following is already clear at this stage: Businesses will need to adapt to change. There will be a number of deteriorations, especially as far as the movement of goods is concerned. Preparations in companies for Brexit can be extensive – depending on such factors as future involvement in the UK, company size and the industry in question.
The Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) offers the “Brexit Check” tool on its website, which allows you to check whether your company has taken the consequences of Brexit into account. This Brexit checklist is intended to show where there is a need for adaptation within the companies. The DIHK will gradually expand and update the topics in the light of the negotiation results. The local chambers of industry and commerce will be pleased to answer any further questions that companies may have.
You can carry out the Brexit Check right here: https://www.ihk.de/en/brexit
take-e-way and trade-e-bility will assist with product standards and compliance
For your questions on the topics of product norms/standards, CE, REACh in connection with Brexit, please contact trade-e-bility GmbH at +49/40/75068730-0 or at sales@trade-e-bility.de.
And if you have any questions about product compliance (electrical appliances, batteries, packaging) and Brexit, Florian Spreu from take-e-way will be pleased to answer them if you call +49/40/750687-159 or send an e-mail message to international@take-e-way.de.