The new EU Battery Regulation took effect on 17 August 2023. The legislative text was promulgated on 28 July 2023 in the Official Journal of the European Union. The new requirements will be applied as of 18 February 2024. Due to the conversion of the previous Battery Directive to the Regulation, the new rules will then apply directly in all Member States without further adaptation.
trade-e-bility keeps you informed with our Legal Monitoring Service to keep you up to date. This means you only get the information that is relevant to you. And we help you with the implementation. If you have any questions, the trade-e-bility advisory team will be pleased to assist you via or +49/40/750687-300.
Please click below for further information on our international compliance services in connection with placing electronic equipment, batteries/rechargeable cells and packaged products or packaging on the market: