trade-e-bility customers currently report enquiries from the Federal Network Agency.
Evidently, the public authority demands EU declarations of conformity and samples especially for electronic products, and sets an extremely short deadline of only one week. This is especially a problem for distributors who have no or only outdated declarations of conformity.
The Federal Network Agency is, according to its own information, Germany’s central infrastructure authority and promotes competition in the markets for energy, telecommunications, postal services and railways. Today, in its role as the central infrastructure authority, the Federal Network Agency sets the framework for fair competition in these fields and, as the supervisory authority, also assumes consumer protection tasks.
If you receive a cover letter from the Federal Network Agency or have any questions about how to keep your EU declarations of conformity up to date, We will be glad to assist you. Please send an e-mail to or call us +49/40/75068730-0.