If you sell on Amazon.de, you must enter your LUCID number by 14 June 2022. Otherwise, as of 15 June 2022 Amazon will block offers that do not meet the guidelines.
In this connection, you are also required to report your packaging quantities to LUCID. As a rough estimate of shipping packaging volume, Amazon recommends take-e-way customers 95 grams of paper and 5 grams of plastic per unit shipped as a rule of thumb for licensing purposes. Please also take this volume increase into account when submitting your forecast report regarding your packaging volumes to be licensed at the beginning of August.
Kindly note that these forecasts are indicative only and that Amazon is not responsible for any discrepancies between the forecast and the actual quantities to be licensed. Amazon is constantly working to reduce the amount of shipping packaging used to transport your products.
The take-e-way consultancy team will be glad to answer any questions you may have on the Packaging Act. Please call +49/40/750687-0 or send an e-mail to beratung@take-e-way.de.
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