From 3 July 2021, some single-use plastic products will be banned for sale. Many of these single-use products, such as drinking straws, plates, stirrers, cutlery or fast food packaging come into contact with foodstuffs. Alternative materials must therefore be evaluated with immense caution.
In order to make the selection of substitutes easier, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment has published a communique on which alternative materials to plastic drinking straws exist. Many of the materials presented there, such as silicone, can also be used in the context of other applications.
Special requirements apply throughout the EU to food contact materials. Manufacturers, importers and fulfilment service providers who market these products should inform themselves about any ingredients possibly present in plastic alternatives.
trade-e-bility supports product managers in marketing their food contact material in compliance with the relevant legislation. The trade-e-bility consultants will be pleased to assist you. Please call +49/40/75068730-0 or send an e-mail message to