On 12 November 2019, the VERE Association, together with take-e-way GmbH, hosted by far the largest product responsibility forum of its kind. In addition to the VERE members concerned and take-e-way customers, experts from political circles and administration, business representatives and environmental organisations as well as lawyers and product responsibility specialists were invited. The Mercedes-Benz Arena in Stuttgart was chosen as the appropriate venue for this controversial topic. With over 150 registered participants, it was the most successful event of its kind for VERE to date. We wish to thank all participants for enriching the constructive debate, in particular by describing the various personal experiences. The VERE Association and take-e-way are convinced that the findings of this day will find their way to the decision-makers and influencers of the legislature.
We thank the representatives of the European Commission, the Federal Ministry of Economics, the Federal Environment Agency, the Ministry for the Environment of Baden-Württemberg, the EAR Foundation, the Packaging Register Foundation, Greenpeace and all the other competent speakers from our partner organisations for the intensive, open and friendly exchange.
Acknowledgement: 2020 – the next generation of product responsibility
On 12 November 2019, the VERE Association, together with take-e-way GmbH, hosted by far the largest product responsibility forum of its kind.

Christoph Brellinger
Head of Marketing & Public Relations
Phone: +49 40 750687-0